Essex Visual Arts (EVA) productions is a company that serves, celebrates and collaborates with the community in making Visual Arts accessible.
Our aim is to create accessibility, opportunity and support our community by offering artistic, educational and participatory programmes alongside both community members and aspiring artists from and connected to Essex.
The company will offer programmes that target underserved and underrepresented members of the community, especially those that are at a disadvantage in pursuing a career in the arts due to the elitist nature of the film industry.
We work with the community and employ professional artists to encourage upskilling and combat elitism in the industry. The process of providing new opportunities that develop pre-existing skill sets is an encouraging prospect amongst young people and artists within the community.
2022: Big Screen Southend Associate Programme:
Elsa James, George Morgan, Michael McMillan
Sun 26 Jun to Sun 18 Sep 2022
2021: 'When I Say Essex, What Do You See?' was a community-driven video installation that explored and re-identified perceptions around Essex.